Thursday 14 January 2016

Why the Metal Fan needs Baby Metal in his/her life

What I write in this post comes from experience. I have lived long enough to have sung along with Alice Cooper, air punch with Twisted Sister and stuck right through the 90's to have heard the anger I felt being voiced by Nine Inch Nails and Metallica. Okay- Nirvana was not a Metal band, but that was what I had.

With the change of the Millenium Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Korn were the ones who told me that I am not the only one disillusioned with life. It was not a secret, Cap'- I was always angry...

Then- I grew up...

The funny thing about my taste in music was that it had become so inconsistent with my beliefs and values. As a martial artist, lawyer and follower of the Secret I knew very well that anger and negative thoughts are unhealthy. Sure- anger is natural, but it is unhealthy. The only good it ever does is that it tells us that something is wrong.

Yet- I listened to songs of people agonising about their exes, parents, governments and so forth. Why?
Because that was virtually the only lyrics that you got with the noise and insane beat of Metal to which I have become addicted.  

So- How long do you think it took me to accept Baby Metal?
Let me tell you- I have been waiting for them my whole life. They were and always will be what I needed all along.

Now I'll admit that "Gimme Chocolate" did not get me as hooked as it did others. I needed something with a stronger kick. What got me hooked was this song:

I really fell for this song. I have seen subtitles and know by now that the lyrics are actually as cute as they are harmless.

It never fails to lift my mood...

It gets better, though. In this live version compilation the Kami Band really shows what they are capable of:

I have been listening to Baby Metal for more than a year now. By now this is my alarm clock:

Waking up has never been this good before. :D

I know three cute girls singing about things such as playing tag or eating chocolate may be a shock for your system, but trust me- it was destined to happen. One has to be really short-sighted to believe that anything in the universe can perpetually move in only one direction. The laws of Yin and Yang applies to evrything- even to Heavy Metal.

So- do not fear this change, Metalheads. Embrace it. And- if you do not know the words you may still put your hands to your hearts and stand on attention as our universal anthem plays:

See you!

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