Tuesday 21 March 2017

So what are the Metal Elitists so afraid of..?

So- I see this post somewhere last week from one of our fellow Baby Metal fans saying that this douchebag online community at Metal-archives.com do not allow you to list Babymetal as one of your favourite bands.

Somehow this reminds me of this group of demons in the Middle Ages that I have read about that hissed and screamed in agony at the mention of God's name. Some of you might find the analogy of a vampire seeing a holy cross or coming into contact with garlic more familiar...

Being curious by nature I registered on this site and tried it out for myself.

The image of the site below is of a section of the site where you are asked to submit a band that you like. It has to be Metal of course. You can clearly see what I got for typing Babymetal's name.


I have been glad for my wonderful 3 years of Babymetal fandom to have passed without me coming across any serious haters. Here in South Africa few people even know about them in spite of my efforts to spread the word.

Those of you who weren't with us last year have missed Skindred's Benji Webb being put in his place for messing with our girls at the Kerrang Awards. In 2015 a certain Andy Copping got a taste of what comes to you if you piss off one of the most loyal fandoms in the world. Btw- I am not sure: Are we not the most loyal fandom by now...?

Forgive me for not remembering the guy, but some uptight British music critic quit Twitter after he used it to badmouth Babymetal. Thing is- he did not receive any threatening direct messages or tweets, but just got educated.



Now- as a Metal fan myself I know how familiar it is to have people shocked at your taste in music and to know for certain that the moment your fellow fans eventually "grow up" (which is basically Conformist- speak for "selling out") they would not let their dear children near their music. 

So- I can imagine a couple of long-haired, pierced and probably goatied heads exploding at the notion that there could actually BE a Metal group to which decent upright folks could actually let their children listen.

Well- there is. Not some Disney Channel parody of a Metal Band, but a real headbang inducing, moshpit forming band- that is not mad at their fathers, not insulting God and not propagating hate.

It did not take much to get me sold on the idea. I just had to see the video for Gimme Chocolate...

It is weird to hear Metal guitar-work and instead of wanting to punch stuff- actually feel happy. Like in a good mood full of love for thy neighbour!

Isn't it about time the world got this? 

I know very well that it is about time.

There is an obscure group of depressed smoking, drinking and wishing to get laid individuals who do not agree with me. In fact- this mere sight of these girls make them writhe in agony! Quite frankly- I don't give a damn about how they feel on the subject. 

The purpose of this post is for me to explain why:

Back when people of my age were teenagers you got to know about the latest music via TV or radio. If a band was on TV, you'd know about it. If it wasn't- only the members of that band, their friends, their roadies and some other bands would know about them. Yeah- poor Metal.. Always has to be the outcast in the music world.

Now trust me- I get this. I myself am still outraged at the media for being so selective with the music it presents to the world. It is as if only the boring, cheesy and plastic Pop fans ever get to work for mainstream radio and TV.

This, however, was what led to Metal fans seeking their music from other sources than the mainstream. Old folks liked to call these sources "The Underground".

This is all good and well, but when some bands actually made it onto television and radio- and their CD's became available in the shops where the normal people buy their music- these fans of The Underground began to shun these bands for "selling out" and "not being Metal enough".
Now... you know- a Metal fan is a kind of nerd. He/she is a scary kind of nerd, but still a nerd. This group of people are already outcasts from the Conformist society where individuality get sacrificed for the sake of acceptance. Now they wanted to go and turn their backs on others in their midst whose only crime is listening to bands that are just better known than theirs!

I am glad to hear bands like Fit For Rivals, Black Veil Brides and Sabaton and I am happy to have the internet to introduce me to bands like these. Others may hate them, but I can live with that. Their music makes me happy.

Now- those Unholier-Than-Thou snobs who actually made people with low self esteem feel even worse about themselves because they could not even find acceptance within a society of outcasts can become paralysed with terror at the sound of Doki Doki Morning for all I care! You know why?

Because people like me, whose Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit were not Metal enough for your liking have now found a band that actually has a message worth spreading across the entire world. We are not going to stay in the shadows of The Underground like those Satanist wannabes who just perpetuate the despair of themselves and their fans. We have outgrown that shit!

This is Kawaii-Metal! It is going places where other Metal groups have not been able to go for decades!

These girls? They are Japanese Junior Idols who have already gone places where their peers have not even dreamt of going! If they want to take Metal and bedazzle it and present it to the world in a cute, fan fashion then I am on board!

I can totally live with it if Babymetal is not allowed in your little sandbox. Thing is- most of us have to grow up and leave it anyway. 

We are the One!

Babymetal shall be in our hearts throughout our adult life even if we do get jobs, get marrried and have children! And our children shall be welcome to hear them as well!

If it scares you- that is just because you have not yet surrendered and joined us. There is lots of room here in our growing fandom. Get on board. You'll find that it is much cooler than a church group or an AA meeting. Besides- you will still be Metal if you do...


Thursday 14 January 2016

Why the Metal Fan needs Baby Metal in his/her life

What I write in this post comes from experience. I have lived long enough to have sung along with Alice Cooper, air punch with Twisted Sister and stuck right through the 90's to have heard the anger I felt being voiced by Nine Inch Nails and Metallica. Okay- Nirvana was not a Metal band, but that was what I had.

With the change of the Millenium Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Korn were the ones who told me that I am not the only one disillusioned with life. It was not a secret, Cap'- I was always angry...

Then- I grew up...

The funny thing about my taste in music was that it had become so inconsistent with my beliefs and values. As a martial artist, lawyer and follower of the Secret I knew very well that anger and negative thoughts are unhealthy. Sure- anger is natural, but it is unhealthy. The only good it ever does is that it tells us that something is wrong.

Yet- I listened to songs of people agonising about their exes, parents, governments and so forth. Why?
Because that was virtually the only lyrics that you got with the noise and insane beat of Metal to which I have become addicted.  

So- How long do you think it took me to accept Baby Metal?
Let me tell you- I have been waiting for them my whole life. They were and always will be what I needed all along.

Now I'll admit that "Gimme Chocolate" did not get me as hooked as it did others. I needed something with a stronger kick. What got me hooked was this song:


I really fell for this song. I have seen subtitles and know by now that the lyrics are actually as cute as they are harmless. 


It never fails to lift my mood...

It gets better, though. In this live version compilation the Kami Band really shows what they are capable of:


I have been listening to Baby Metal for more than a year now. By now this is my alarm clock:


Waking up has never been this good before. :D

I know three cute girls singing about things such as playing tag or eating chocolate may be a shock for your system, but trust me- it was destined to happen. One has to be really short-sighted to believe that anything in the universe can perpetually move in only one direction. The laws of Yin and Yang applies to evrything- even to Heavy Metal.

So- do not fear this change, Metalheads. Embrace it. And- if you do not know the words you may still put your hands to your hearts and stand on attention as our universal anthem plays:


See you!